Pirates Loot Tattoo Aftercare Instructions
Take your bandage off the next morning while in the shower by saturating the bandage with warm water and slowly peeling it back. After the bandage is removed, wash the tattoo gently with clear antibacterial soap and rinse with warm/hot water. After the shower pat your tattoo gently dry. Apply a thin layer of ointment to your new tattoo.
It is recommended to always keep your new tattoo moisturized by applying the ointment thin on your new tattoo twice a day, after washing. Repeat this process for 5 to 7 days, or until tattoo is healed.
Stay away from saunas, swimming pools, gyms, tanning salons and long periods of direct sun light exposure until your new tattoo is completely healed. These things may cause inflammation or damage to your new tattoo.
Try not to consume any type of alcohol for at least 48 hours after your tattoo treatment. Alcohol thins your blood and may affect the outcome of your tattoo.
You can take antibiotics, if any inflammation occurs on your new tattoo.
Keep tattoo away from sun and other irritants. After your tattoo has completely healed apply a high SPF sun block to tattoo to prevent fading.
Do not pick at scabs or dried skin while tattoo is healing. If you do you may pull the color out.
Your tattoo should heal within two weeks.
You may come back for a touch up, if necessary, 4 weeks after your appointment for a $60 fee.
Touch Ups
Touch ups will now be considered 4 weeks after the initial tattoo is complete.
A $60.00 setup fee will now be mandatory for all touch ups. Touch ups range from 15min-30min. Touch ups requiring more than 30 minutes will not be considered touch ups and our hourly rates will apply. This will be determined and agreed upon with your artist when you receive your touch ups.
No exceptions on the $60 setup fee, it is now mandatory.
Touch up appointments fall under the same guidelines as regular appointments. 48 hour notice is required to re-book or change a touch up appointment. If proper notice is not given the studio reserves the right to deny touch up services to that patron(s).
If you have any questions or concerns please call us at 587.899.2291